Ascended beings or archailects are those who have ascended beyond the existential plane from which they originate. They are usually Type IV or beyond and are usually in a state of pure energy, having escaped and transcended the trappings of a material shell and existence. Ascended exhibit the final traits of sapience. Personalities can range from benevolence and protective, to chaos and evil.
Laser Porting[]
Early ascendance into energy is described as laser porting in Michio Kaku's book The Future of Humanity. When the Human Connectome Project is able to map the entire human brain, it will contain all our memories, sensations, feelings, and even our personality. Then the connectome might be placed on a laser beam and sent into outer space. Within four years, you could visit Proxima Centauri and within a hundred thousand years, you could reach the ends of the Milky Way galaxy.
Once it arrives on a distant planet, the information on the laser beam would be downloaded into a computer. Then your connectome could control a robotic avatar. Its body is so sturdy that it can survive the harshest atmospheres. Although all your neural patterns are contained inside the mainframe computer, you inhabit the avatar. There is no need for expensive booster rockets or space stations. You never face the problem of weightlessness, asteroid collisions, radiation, accidents, and boredom because you are transmitted as pure information. And at the speed of light, you have taken the fastest possible journey to the stars. From your point of view, the trip is instantaneous and is perhaps the most convenient and rapid way to reach the stars.
A Type I civilization a century from now may be able to conduct the first laser porting experiments. But for Type II and III civilizations, laser porting may be the preferred method of transportation across the galaxy because they will most likely have already colonized distant planets with self-replicating robots. Perhaps a Type III civilization would have a vast laser porting superhighway connecting the stars in the Milky Way galaxy with trillions of souls in transit at any one time. The main problem is to create a network of relay stations along the way that receive your connectome, amplify it, and send it along to the next station. One way to solve this problem is to use a system of laser sails, which travel at a significant fraction of the speed of light. Once these laser sails land on an Oort Cloud comet, they could use nanotechnology to make copies of themselves and assemble a relay station using the raw materials found on the comet.
Laser porting could be used not only for scientific purposes but also for recreation. We might take a vacation among the stars. We would first map out a sequence of planets, moons, or comets we wish to visit, no matter how hostile or dangerous the environment may be. We might make a checklist of the types of avatars that we wish to inhabit. So on each planet, there is an avatar waiting for us with all the traits and superpowers we desire. When we reach that planet, we assume the identity of that avatar, travel across the planet, and enjoy all the incredible sights. Afterward, we return the robot for the next customer to use. Then we laser-port to the next destination. In a single vacation, we may be able to explore several moons, comets, and exoplanets. We never have to worry about accidents or illnesses, since it is just our connectome roaming across the galaxy.
Laser porting is type of information panspermia which is the concept of life forms travelling across the universe by means of transmission of compressed information e.g. genome coding, which can then enable the recovery of that life.
The Bulk Beings from Interstellar
The Elder Gods from Doctor Who
The Ancients from Stargate