Kardashev Scale Wiki
Kardashev Scale Wiki

The C'tan or Star Gods are said to be the oldest intelligent beings in The Warhammer 40K Universe, created at the moment of creation of the universe. They are vast beings of pure energy who are able to consume stars, planets and nebulae.

Eventually the Necrons tried to destroy them using universe-strength hyper-cannons. As the C'tan were immortal star-spawn, part of the fundamental fabric of reality and therefore impossible to destroy, so each C'tan was instead sundered into thousands of smaller and less-powerful shards. Despite their reduced state, C'tan Shards are beings of near-unlimited power, and these are some of their reality-warping abilities:

  • Antimatter Meteor - an orb of antimatter, hurled as a projectile.
  • Entropic Touch - decays object on contact, causing entropic disorder
  • Gaze of Death - drains the life from all in the vicinity.
  • Lord of Fire - become a creature of living flame.
  • Seismic Assault - tides of magma from deep below a world's crust.
  • Sentient Singularity - destabilizes all local gravitational forces.
  • Time's Arrow - mutating the flow of causality and remoulding the temporal stream of the spacetime continuum, casting its foe back into the darkness from before time was time, erasing them from existence as if they had never been.
  • Transdimensional Thunderbolt - a bolt of transdimensional energy.
  • Writhing Worldscape - undoing the physical laws of reality.