Kardashev Scale Wiki

Magmatter or monopolium is a form of exotic matter which is made up of extremely small atom-like particles, which themselves are made up of magnetic monopoles.

The diameters of normal atoms are in the picometre scale (10−12 m) with a density of 1012 kg/m3. Magmatter atoms are billions of times smaller in the attometre scale (10−18 m) with a density of 1018 kg/m3, even denser than strange matter which is about 1017 kg/m3 and slightly denser than degenerate matter.

Because of the much higher binding energy (about 300 GeV) holding the magatoms together, magmatter is about 1032 times stronger.

Magmatter materials have free breaking lengths of millions to billions of kilometers. This means that it has the tensile strength required to hold a megastructure together.

Magmatter is relatively stable (compared to antimatter) and easy to handle when bound with conventional matter while still maintaining its useful properties of magnetic charge and great density.

Practical uses for the strength of magmatter requires the advanced control and logistics abilities of Type II civilizations. They are used in ultra-fine, hyper-strength cables and braces in megastructural engineering, and near-indestructible coatings for conversion drive rocket nozzles and massive military transports and weapons platforms.

Because of the density of magmatter, this leads to picoscale engineering and picotechnology.
