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Surreality (or unreality) is an eternal realm between reality and non-reality (the afterlife) where life forces (souls) may wander in limbo, or move on to the afterlife. This is a bridging realm between the physical and metaphysical, although it may not always be necessary to cross.

This realm contains an infinite storage of:

  • Consciousness, which is outside of spacetime. Therefore, perception of nature and the passage of time is illusory at best.
  • Dreams, linked to the unconscious or subliminal mind. Dreaming happens when images, ideas, emotions, and sensations occur involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep. Animals can dream, but only humans can daydream.
  • Daydreaming is a stream of consciousness that detaches from current, external tasks when attention drifts and dissociates to a more personal and internal direction.
  • Imagination, in an Imaginarium of sorts. Whether this is stored in reality or surreality does not matter. Certain beings are sometimes able to manifest such thoughts into the physical realm, and thus create entire new universes from their minds.
  • Precognition, which is the phenomenon of seeing events in the future, widely occurring in dreams. Precognition violates the principle of causality, as an effect cannot occur before its cause. However, since travel to the future is possible in a megaverse or beyond, there may be a direct link between precognitive storage in surreality to certain realms of reality.

The nature and quantum of this storage is unknown, but it may be analogous to a resource such as energy that is found in reality. As we are able to use 5 senses via energy to receive and acknowledge sensory input, more advanced civilizations or entities may have the tools via extrasensory perception (ESP) to be able to tap into this resource (which may exist elsewhere).

ESP comprises:

  • Telekinesis - move objects through brain power
  • Clairvoyance - sense a cosmic state without any causal change of information
  • Precognition - ability to foresee the future
  • Telepathy - ability to sense other people's thoughts