Kardashev Scale Wiki

A Type XIV civilization exist on the highest planes outside reality where non-reality and dimensions intertwine. These are absolute dimensions (ADs). There will be eventual discovery and access of the multiad, megad, parad and omniad in the adverse.

14.0 Entered the first dimension in AD
14.1 Many eons of war with the Dark that had escaped into the AD
14.2 Colonization of many megaverses in the AD
14.3 Colonization of 100th omniverse in the AD
14.4 Colonization of countless omniverses in the AD
14.5 Colonization of paradimensions in the AD
14.6 Colonization of omnidimensions in the AD
14.7 Many of the Dark defect into our ranks but have to undergo eons of tests to prove themselves
14.8 With the help of the primordial beings of the Light, eventually all Dark are banished from the AD
14.9 Full colonization of omnidimensions in the AD and discovery of multiad

Navigation to Kardashev Type

 Omniverse: Type 0 - Type I - Type II - Type III - Type IV - Type V - Type VI - Type VII
Hyperverse: Type VIII - Type IX
Outerverse: Type X - Type XI - Type XII - Type XIII
   Adverse: Type XIV - Type XV - Type XVI - Type XVII - Type XVIII - Type XIX
    Beyond: Type XX. This is the final official type.