Kardashev Scale Wiki

At 6d the Theory of Everything (or unified field theory) was discovered by either a late Type IV or Type V civilization. This was the holy grail of cosmic physics. It standardized the interactions between all four forces of nature: gravity, strong nuclear, weak nuclear, and electromagnetic force. It unified quantum mechanics and general relativity in one cosmic equation, unifying the very large and the very small.

It led to the discovery of the new quantum at 7d, called the heptum, where the new Laws of Physics are discovered:

  • To explore the quark-filled interior of a proton it is necessary to go up to energies at least ten times greater than the proton mass.
  • Much further up the scale of energy is the unification mass, at about 1014 proton masses.
  • To 'get inside' 7d and beyond, it is necessary to go beyond even the unification scale, to an energy equivalent to 1019 proton masses, the 'Planck scale', where extra dimensions manifest themselves directly.
  • At the Planck energy, all four forces of nature would be completely merged into a single superforce, and the full dimensionality of 11d space would be exposed in all its splendour.
  • Gaining control over the superforce would enable us to manipulate the greatest power in the universe, for the superforce is responsible for generating all forces and all physical structures.
  • With the superforce we could change the structure of spacetime and reality, tie our own knots in nothingness, and create new forms of exotic matter by constructing and transmuting particles at will.
  • We would be lords of the universe, and thereafter manipulate the dimensionality of spacetime itself, exploring and manipulating the multiverse and beyond.