A Type XIV civilization exist on the highest planes outside reality where non-reality and dimensions intertwine. These are absolute dimensions (ADs). There will be eventual discovery and access of the multiad, megad, parad and omniad in the adverse.
14.0 | Entered the first dimension in AD |
14.1 | Many eons of war with the Dark that had escaped into the AD |
14.2 | Colonization of many megaverses in the AD |
14.3 | Colonization of 100th omniverse in the AD |
14.4 | Colonization of countless omniverses in the AD |
14.5 | Colonization of paradimensions in the AD |
14.6 | Colonization of omnidimensions in the AD |
14.7 | Many of the Dark defect into our ranks but have to undergo eons of tests to prove themselves |
14.8 | With the help of the primordial beings of the Light, eventually all Dark are banished from the AD |
14.9 | Full colonization of omnidimensions in the AD and discovery of multiad |
Navigation to Kardashev Type
Omniverse: Type 0 - Type I - Type II - Type III - Type IV - Type V - Type VI - Type VII Hyperverse: Type VIII - Type IX Outerverse: Type X - Type XI - Type XII - Type XIII Adverse: Type XIV - Type XV - Type XVI - Type XVII - Type XVIII - Type XIX Beyond: Type XX. This is the final official type.